Kingdom Councils Emerging

“The Spirit of the Lord is sweeping the land, identifying the one, two, three or more First Nation Kingdom Leaders on reservations who are arising, uniting, and mobilizing by revelation of Jesus as Messiah, of their spiritual keys of authority over their territories, and truly processed in agape love, humility, and the spirit of unity in Christ”.

 HARDSHIPS ON EVERY RESERVATION: No matter where, every reservation has many of the same struggles, hardships, and barriers, across the board.  The role of the Kingdom Council is to identify these barriers and stand against them, and together dismantle them, and work together for God-given vision and purposes. 
As Spiritual Spearheads, mantled with a genuine apostolic mandate and responsibility, it is time to arise, mobilize, and govern from a place of agape love, humility, and unity. Over the ‘host people’ of this land, God is releasing a tip-of-the-spear anointing to thrust First Nations into our strategic place in the Body of Christ.

“And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth and has determined their pre-appointed time and the boundaries of their dwellings.“

ACTS 17:26

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